More often than not, diagnosing sleep disorders requires a sleep study. There are different types of sleep studies, such as polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test. Most are performed in a sleep study center; however, it may be possible to do your study at home.

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Home-Like Sleep Center

Our sleep center is a restful, comfortable experience in a home-like setting with your own cozy, private room. Your personal suite features a premium bed, luxury bedding, and cable TV. Every detail is designed to be comfortable and stress-free.

Our highly trained and experienced technologist will thoroughly explain the procedure before the study begins and will address any concerns or questions you may have. The study is conducted by placing small sensors and electrodes on your head, chest, arms, and legs, allowing the technologist to monitor you throughout the night. Our sleep studies are overseen by Dr. Olusegun Oseni, who is board certified in sleep medicine.

Once the study is complete, you will meet with the doctor to go over the results and a treatment plan will be designed personally for you. Treatment could consist of medication, a CPAP machine, or learning some new tools to retrain your mind and body to sleep better.

At Lung & Sleep Specialists of North Texas in Weatherford, we are dedicated to helping you completely understand your condition and providing you with the education and tools you need to manage your sleep disorder.

Sleep Medicine Clinic in Weatherford, TX

Call (817) 594-9993 today so you can sleep better tomorrow, or you can use our online appointment request form and someone from our office will contact you to schedule.